Literary translation

experts in artistic literature translations

Literary refers to the translation of literary works such as novels, poetry, short stories, plays, and other artistic works of literature from one language to another. The goal of literary translation is to capture the essence, style, and cultural context of the original work in the target language.

A fiction translator must not only have a deep understanding of the languages involved but also a thorough understanding of the culture and literary traditions associated with the original work. They must be skilled at conveying the nuances of the text, including the tone, style, and imagery.

The translation of artistic works is an important part of cultural exchange and can help to bridge gaps between different cultures. It allows readers from different linguistic backgrounds to appreciate and enjoy works of literature from around the world.

A work of art is always the result of a complex creative process. It contains information, but at the same time has an emotional colouring, which is very important to convey accurately when adapting it. At the same time, good literature always reflects certain linguistic and national characteristics that also need to be conveyed to the reader. That is why a literary translation is a task that should be handled by professionals. The employees at ATT will translate texts of any degree of complexity.

Fiction translator


Novels, short stories
Novels, short stories
essays, feature articles
Essays, feature articles
non-fiction, biographies
Non-fiction, biographies
magazines, books, brochures
Magazines, books, brochures
Clips, TV series and scripts
Clips, TV series and scripts
literary works translator


The main purpose that novels, novellas and short stories have is to aesthetically and emotionally affect the reader. Therefore, the essence of translating a literary work is not limited to conveying the same message as in the original. The translated text must have the same emotional impact as the original. This is difficult to achieve.

That is why a literary translation uses various tools. These are:

  • Syntactic specificity. The translator tries to preserve if not the length of sentences, at least the rhythm of the original work of literature.
    Wordplay. This does not mean that the translation has to contain their tracing. Perhaps the language has its own analogues for such a technique.
  • Dialectisms and slang. Such words and expressions are difficult to translate, but they are what give the text its stylistic flavour.
  • Metaphors. This is both emotional colouring and the preservation of the author’s individuality. They are not transmitted word-for-word, a copy of the original, but express the essence of speech turnover.
  • The irony, if it is used by the author of the original work, allows you to make the narrative more vivid, somewhere even play on the contrast.

All this requires knowledge not only of the foreign language but also of national literature and history. It also requires a special flair, an intuition that allows him to highlight the most important things in stories or novels. Sometimes, translators joke that a quality fiction translation is practically a newly written work.


Frequently Asked Questions

Our translators are total pros when it comes to literary and fiction translations. They’ve got years of experience and a deep love for storytelling. We’ve worked on all kinds of projects, from novels to short stories and poetry. For example, we translated the screenplay for the movie Sexmission, or The New Amazons, which got rave reviews for staying true to the original style and tone.

Keeping the author’s voice and style intact is super important to us. Our specialists dive deep into the original text to capture all its unique quirks and tones. We also involve the author whenever possible and use detailed style guides to keep everything consistent. Plus, our editors make sure the translation feels just like the original.

You bet! We have a thorough review and editing process just for literary translations. Each piece is reviewed by at least two senior editors who specialize in literary works. They check for accuracy, flow, and style. We also love getting feedback from the author to make sure the final product is spot-on.

Absolutely! Our translators are really good at dealing with cultural references and idioms. They know both cultures inside and out, so they can find the perfect equivalent expressions. We also work with cultural consultants when needed to make sure everything resonates with the target audience.

Turnaround time can vary, but for a novel, it usually takes about 6 to 8 weeks. We know deadlines are crucial, so we’ll give you a detailed timeline and keep you in the loop. If you’re on a tight schedule, just let us know, and we’ll do our best to meet it without sacrificing quality.

Totally! We believe in open communication. You can chat directly with the translator to discuss any specific concerns or details. This helps make sure your vision is fully realized in the translation. We’re all about teamwork here!

8 responses to “Literary translation”

  1. Michael Avatar

    How do you ensure that the translated work captures the original’s emotional impact?

    1. ATT Avatar

      Our translators are super tuned in to the emotional vibes of the original text. They work hard to capture the same feelings and moods in the translation. We also get feedback from you to make sure the translation hits all the right emotional notes. Our goal is to make readers feel just as moved by the translated work as they do by the original.

  2. Elisabeth Avatar

    Do you handle book formatting and layout for the translated text?

    1. ATT Avatar

      Yep, we can take care of the whole package. Our team includes formatting and layout experts who ensure that the translated text looks great and matches the style of the original. Whether it’s a novel or a collection of short stories, we’ll make sure it’s visually appealing and reader-friendly.

  3. Olga Nefedova Avatar
    Olga Nefedova

    What happens if I’m not satisfied with the translation?

    1. ATT Avatar

      We’re committed to making sure you’re happy with the final product. If there’s something you’re not satisfied with, just let us know. We’ll work with you to make any necessary revisions until you’re completely satisfied. Your satisfaction is our top priority!

  4. Jessica Parker Avatar
    Jessica Parker

    How do you handle translations for dialects or regional variations in the original text?

    1. ATT Avatar

      Great question! Our translators are skilled in handling dialects and regional variations. They’ll find the best way to convey these in the target language, preserving the original flavor and authenticity. We might also consult with regional experts to get it just right. Your text’s unique voice will be in good hands with us.

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Excellent translation agency. Literary translation of some essays from En to Ru was done good and quickly. The prices are reasonable. The staff is very polite and courteous.


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