
Boris Zakhoder: Whale and Cat

In this tale, it’s quite unclear, Every word’s a riddle here! Here’s what The story tells: There once lived A CAT And A WHALE. The CAT was huge, a mighty beast! The WHALE was small and quite the least. The WHALE would meow. The CAT would puff. The WHALE avoided water, sure enough. Feared it like fire, never swam. The CAT would tease him—what a sham!

Time goes on, here’s what they do: WHALE roams at night, CAT naps right through. CAT swims through oceans wide and grand, WHALE drinks milk from a small dish on land. WHALE catches mice on solid ground. CAT lounges at sea, not making a sound. WHALE would scratch, would bite with glee, But if outmatched, he’d quickly flee, Climbing high to escape the fray, Perching safely, out of harm’s way. The kind CAT fought with no one, He’d swim away when fights were begun, Diving deep in the ocean’s blue, Waving goodbye as he withdrew.

WHALE loved to climb up high, Singing songs beneath the night sky. Call him down with a gentle “Here, kitty!” And he’d jump down in a jiffy. So it went, no end in sight, But then came a twist, one dark night. A whale hunter sailed the sea, And soon, the tale changed drastically. The captain gazed with focused eyes, Saw a spout in the ocean rise. He gave the call, “A whale ahead! Full speed now, let’s make our bread!”

The hunter readied the mighty gun, But weapons are no kind of fun! I’ll be honest, tell you straight: I wouldn’t want to be that WHALE’s fate! “Mom!” the whaler shouted loud, Jumping back, more than a little cowed. “What on earth? A tail so long… But those ears—something’s wrong!” “Stop the ship! What’s that there? Is it a CAT? I swear!” “Calm down, sailor! What’s the deal?” “I’m no cat-killer! That’s how I feel! Tell the captain, let him know— I won’t shoot a cat, no, no, no! I’ll punish anyone who’s cruel To cats—this is my golden rule!”

“Attention all!” the telegram cried, The radio shook as it was typed inside. “To everyone, this is not a joke: We’ve found a strange creature, not a hoax! A monster half-cat, half-whale, we’re stuck— This tale is just bad luck! A CAT belongs on land, that’s true! SOS, please help us through!”

And then to the whaling base, A helicopter landed with haste. Important folks from the city flew in: Doctors, professors, a nurse with a grin, An academic for whales, one for cats, Seventy students with notebooks and hats, Reporters galore, two editors too, With film crews to capture the view, Young scientists eager to learn, And other specialists taking their turn. They all crowded on the deck, Trying to solve this puzzling trek.

For a whole year, they thought and fussed: Who’s the WHALE? And who’s the CAT? This is a must! Debating and discussing with all their might, Finally, they got it right: “This story has a messy twist, There’s an error we must fix: Someone, against all rhyme and reason, Swapped the names—what a treason! ‘WHALE’ should be ‘CAT,’ ‘CAT’ should be ‘WHALE,’ and that’s that!”

So they fixed it, made it right, No more riddles in sight. WHALE swims back to the sea so wide, CAT purrs on the kitchen side. Everything’s clear, all is bright, This tale ends just right. But oh, what a shame it’s done, I wish it could go on with fun!

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