
Peculiarities of writing translation

Translating a text is a complex process with many details to take into account. It is not enough to know the language well. You need to consider the style of the original text, its main purpose, and its formatting requirements. Therefore, it is worth ordering a written translation to people who are familiar with such nuances. Translation agencies work with translators who know how to work with texts of different styles and purposes, for example.


Before starting work, an experienced translator always asks about the purpose of the translation. It is not always necessary to do a complete version of the original text. Sometimes the client only needs to know the general idea. There are several types of translation, depending on what the purpose of the translation is:

A full version that aims to present the original text as accurately as possible. Most often, it is ordered together with a layout service.
Abstract. Usually it is a matter of a large volume of text, from which little informative part, secondary details, and submit to the customer only the key ideas of the text.
Annotation. The translator reads the entire text, then compiles abstracts based on it. In abstract translation key points are disclosed in detail, while in this case – in brief form.
Advisory. There are cases when the client has a good command of a foreign language, but is not well versed in technical terms or thematic vocabulary.

The type of translation and its purpose must be specified in the terms of reference or application.


Depending on the type of source and its style, a distinction is made:

Artistic translation. This is a complex variety, because in this case the translation should not only convey the meaning of the original text, but also adapt it culturally, using literary techniques and analogues of stable word combinations.
Technical translation. Here the difficulties are related to specific terminology, plenty of graphics and formulas, abbreviations and acronyms, use of national systems of units.
Specialist translation. This category covers texts with a narrow subject matter, e.g. legal, economic, medical and so on. The translator will have to deal with a multitude of terms. Sometimes they may have different meanings in different areas, sometimes they are borrowings from other languages. For example, financial texts often use words and expressions from French and medical texts use terms from Latin and Greek.

Translation of documents related to foreign economic activity. It requires not only knowledge of language but also ability to understand subtleties of customs and currency legislation and correctly fill in the documents in accordance with approved forms.
Other types of translation. Nowadays, companies in the game industry produce games which they try to adapt for national markets. These games need to be translated too, taking into account cultural differences. Translation also takes place for software and mobile applications, websites and so on.

Each of these areas has its own subtleties. For example, when adapting websites, it is possible to use an advertising style or an informational style. The first is characterized by a play on words, the use of bright literary devices. For the second – clarity and brevity. For the translator, it is important to get as close to the original style as possible. In some cases, he or she will have to consult with experts in the specific industry.

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