
The most interesting facts about Ukraine

Ukraine is one of the most colorful countries, open and friendly for tourists from all over the world. It is a country of fertile lands, amazing history and many beautiful places that can change the outlook of even a skeptical tourist. These are just some interesting facts about Ukraine, but they are enough to make you want to pack your bags and go on a tour today.

Singing Sands

Not far from Nikopol, in one of the branches of the Dnieper River, you can witness a rare phenomenon called “Singing Sands”. This phenomenon occurs after rain, when a crust forms on the surface of the sand layer. The traveler only needs to step on the crust, as in response will be heard whistling released air, remotely reminiscent of singing. Do you want to hear the sounds of the earth in person? Welcome to Ukraine on the spit of the Lapinka River!

The deepest subway station!

The subway is one of the most common ways of transportation in big cities around the world, but it is Ukraine that can boast of the deepest station. We are talking about the Arsenalna metro station, the depth of which is equal to 105 meters. It was built more than fifty years ago in Kiev, and so far this record has remained unbeaten. According to rumors, there are hidden shelters for the top authorities in its branches, but whether it is so, we will not be able to find out yet.

The longest village in Ukraine

You may ask, how can you measure the length of a village? Of course, we are talking about the length. Kolochava village is spread out in the gorge, but not wide, as it is customary, but far away. The total length of the village is more than 40 kilometers! This village attracts tourists not only by its record, but also by a large number of museums, hospitable people and majestic mountains. Another unusual surprise awaits tourists here – a trip along the ancient narrow-gauge railroad track.

The longest cave in the world!

Another “long” record was recorded in Ukraine and is widely popular among tourists. This time we will go underground again, more precisely, to the gypsum cave with the encouraging name “Optimistic”. The cave is located in Ternopil region, and its length is 230 kilometers! Tourists who get into the cave will be impressed not only by its length, but also by the amazing mineral formations that have been growing inside for thousands of years. Not only that “Optimistic” is laid in gypsum layer, the environment here reminds of futuristic Arctic landscape due to the fact that everything around is covered with snow-white “blanket”, playing all colors of the rainbow in the light of lanterns.

Tunnel of Love

One of the most romantic places in Ukraine, where all couples in love must visit. The Tunnel of Love is located in Volyn and represents trees and bushes, intertwined with branches on both sides of the railroad. As a result, the train on which the tourists move, passes inside the “living” tunnel, giving indescribable impressions. It is said that if a couple of lovers kiss during such a trip, their love will be eternal.

Ukrainian Disney

If you drive 20 kilometers away from Kiev towards the village of Gurovshchyna, you can see an amazing building that resembles one of Walt Disney’s fabulous medieval castles. This building is the gateway to the Ukrainian movie studio, inside which tourists are not allowed, but they are allowed to take pictures against the background of the structure. It is an amazing place, as if it was created for children, though even an adult will feel himself turning into a child near such a castl

The longest house in the world!

Welcome to Lutsk, which has something to surprise the casual tourist. This city is home to the longest apartment building in the world! The 1750 meter long building is built in the form of a bee honeycomb and connects forty houses, each of which has its own address number. It is noteworthy that many residents are not even aware of the record and often confuse one of the one hundred and forty entrances! It is a blessing that guests are helped to orient themselves by multicolored flowerbeds, the colors and design of which correspond to one of the entrances.

Lard Museum

Ukrainians are considered to be the most rabid lard eaters! Although, if we compare statistical data, Germany consumes three times more pork and lard inclusive. But the interesting fact about Ukraine is not about that, but about the world’s first museum dedicated to this very product! Not only that, the museum, located in Lviv, combines also a restaurant, where you can not only study numerous exhibits, but also taste them.

The world’s only museum of dreams!

Ukraine is home to a huge number of creative individuals, which necessarily affects a number of unusual places and attractions. For example, where else in the world can you visit the most real museum of dreams? It is in Kiev, near the metro station “Friendship of Peoples”! Here there are no exhibits in the usual sense, but there are regular events and meetings with interesting people. Topics that are touched upon during communication can be absolutely different, but the main focus is on dreams. The museum even has a big chest in which any visitor can put a letter describing his dreams, which will be read by like-minded friends in the future.

Ukrainian “lefty”

Ukrainian Mykola Syadrysty, though not left-handed, still managed to forge a flea. The famous master boasts hundreds of stunning and surprising micro-miniatures, including the world’s smallest mechanical clock placed in the head of a dragonfly. His exhibits are on display at the Kiev Museum of Miniatures, and you can easily see that these works are worthy of admiration.

The most famous Christmas song in the world

The folk song “Shchedrik”, recorded by Ukrainian composer Mykola Leontovych, is sung all over the world at Christmas time. Its melody is played on ring tones, in commercials, Christmas movies and shows. Abroad it is called Carol of the Bells or Ring Christmas Bells, and today there are about 1000 variations of its performance. Ukraine is a country that smells of kindness and coziness. You can travel here equally well on foot or by car. At the same time, you can come here both in summer for a vacation at the sea and in winter for dizzying impressions at ski resorts.

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